Open Decision Tool Demo Help

Table Of Contents

  1. The Landing Page
  2. Page Header
  3. Decision List Page

The Landing Page

Sign-up To sign-up at the site, you will enter an email address, password and user name. You will receive an email with a link to verify your account.

Sign-in If you have not verified your account, you will be reminded to check your email.

If you have a verified account, following singing-in, decisions associated with your default project will be displayed if it is set.

Reset password If you need to reset your password, you can have a reset link sent to your email address.

Once logged in, each page has a page header, with the core of the page below. The page header shows the active section of the tool, the active project and the signed-in user. Clicking on the project box will take you to the ‘Projects’ section. The ‘User’ drop-down navigates to your ‘Profile’, this ‘Help’ page, ‘About’ ODT and ‘Logout’.

Decision List Page

This is the main page of ODT. It displays the decisions associated with the selected project. If no project is selected, go to your projects page and select a default and active project.

Add Decision Decisions are added by providing a name and description and hitting the add button. The decision will be added to the list.

Import Decision To import a decision, click on the “Choose File” button. A file browser will open where you can select a file with a .dcn extension (having been created by the export file function). Once selected, upon return to this page, click the “Import” button.

Use this function to seed your Decision List with one or more decisions from a pattern. Decision patterns for various situations are available through the Decision Management Institute.

Edit Decision Click the Edit icon to open the Decision edit panel for any decision in the Decision List. Modify the decision name and description as desired and click “Submit” to apply your changes.

Define Criteria Within the Decision Edit panel, click the Criteria option to view the Criteria List for the current decision. Using the Add Criterion option at the bottom of the page, enter a criterion name and description and click Add Criterion to create a new criterion.

Modify any criterion in the list by clicking on it and editing any fields desired in the popup edit panel. Use the Submit option to apply your changes.

Define Alternatives Within the Decision Edit panel, click the Alternatives option to view the Alternatives List for the current decision. Using the Add Alternative option at the bottom of the page, enter an alternative name and description and click Add Alternative to create a new alternative.

Evaluate Alternative Performance Within the Decision Edit panel, click the Performance option to view the Performance Edit page for the current decision. Within each criterion panel, enter a Scoring Rationale and Score values for each alternative that represent the alternative’s effectiveness in meeting the criterion’s intent.

View Tornado Chart Within the Performance Edit page, click the Tornado Chart option to view a graphical comparison of the advantages and disadvantages associated with any pair of “scored” alternatives. Select the alternatives to display from the drop-down lists in the Tornado Chart header.

Navigate within the ODT Use the Return option within the ODT when navigating “back” to the previous page.