The Open Decision Tool Demonstrator (odt-demo)

The Open Decision Tool Demonstrator is not longer available on-line

Source is available at: Open Decision Tool - gitlab

I’m developing this project to demonstrate Structured Decision (Making and) Management and the integration of SDM in systems engineering and life. While the methodology can be executed on paper or by spreadsheet, it is a bit tedious without a database and collaborative decision-making is substantially enhanced by broader accessibility.

  1. Provide an accessible tool for practitioners who want to try these DM and SE methods without the need for corporate funding
  2. Provide an on-ramp to the advantages of SDM with Systems Engineering
  3. Provide a tool that can be modified by users to meet their needs
  4. Provide an example of the application of structured decision making in life situations

My personal experience is the application of SDM in engineer. My goal is to support the application of SDM in systems engineering, specifically architecting. As decisions are central to engineering activities, getting the decision framework in place is the first step. The planned information architecture is shown below, while the initial version will support the decision elements.

Previous and active sprint progress is described here: and some tool navigation is described here:

While developing this demonstration, I’ve been learning javascript, node, Meteor, React, css, etc., etc. There is a lot still to do, fix and to learn. If you are interested in helping set up the project as opensource (licensing, hosting, bug reporting, etc.) or being involved with the software or methodology development, please drop a note to info@ this domain or cdsolns dot com.